Tuesday 21 August 2012

The fashions of Liverpool...Girls

Well, where do I begin.

Thanks to Desperate Scousewives, Brookside and Hollyoaks, and most scouse girls who have ever appeared on TV; as well as our lovely collection of WAGs; the world has formed its opinion of the fashion in Liverpool, and it is pretty much this....
Unfortunately, this does apply to a small selection of our Liverpool 'Ladies'. You see them walking, bold as brass, through Liverpool One, PJs/tracksuits on, tucked in to imitation Uggs, Rollers in, arm-at-right-angle-with-handbag-in-crook-of- elbow, also if in the months falling from March to October...sunglasses. They will also either be Mahogany in colour from a roasting on the sunbed, or Copper coloured from the use of Rimmel Sun Shimmer fake tan products. The more expert scouse girl will have upgraded to St Moritz (available at Home and Bargain, no less). They will also have eyelashes that Lily Savage would kill for (created by 3 sets per eye, complete with permanent conjunctivitis). Fast forward a few hours and welcome to saturday night. These girls are in town, wearing platforms giving a height of at least 6ft. Their dresses are floursecent and sprayed on. Their boobs are fake. Their hair, tan and lashes are fake. They are like an army of beautiful, but fake, clones. The lads must love it, their pick of these girls, they all look the same so it doesnt matter which one you get. Fast forward to closing time and boy do we have a different story. Extensions could be intact, or on the floor of the toilets in Moniques. Tan could have drip marks from the many-a-spilled drink, lashes are likely to have fallen out from at least one eye. Ankles may be broken from the shoes. Dress will still be on (contrary to the repuation, most arent actually slags); but may well be ripped. All that effort for a few hours on the town; cost....who knows?!

As a Liverpool girl myself, I feel like I am allowed to make these comments, I own my own bottle of St Moritz -I'm a pasty coloured girl and I cant deny the St Tropez like glow it gives you at a fraction of the cost. I have a set of extensions -I bought them as I was a bridesmaid and needed thicker hair to put up (and have used them twice since). I have even been known to use false lashes, and all credit to the experts, I dont know how you wear them for longer than ten minutes. But I dont comform to the scousebot clone fashion on a night out. I wear nice clothes, often with a vintage influence. I dont curl my hair, and have never worn my extensions with my hair down. Its just not me. If I go out as 'me'; rather than 'scousewife me' on a night out, I feel much more confident, and comfortable in my own skin. I find that if I go to scousewife haunts as 'me' you do get looks from the scousewifealikes as if to say 'whats she doin in ere like that', but I dont care. I consider myself and my girls to be normal girls who go to normal bars and clubs. The lads we meet are after normal girls and are intimidated by the wifealikes. We never see fights or get snarled, and we dont get swilled with drinks. I just dont see the need for the extent of fakeness, they all really do start looking the same!
So girls, leave the rollers and lashes one night and see what happens....you might relax!

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